Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Long live the young Ratajczak couple...

I am going to lose weight. I am going to be healthy. I am going to live a long life.

I couldn't agree with you more, baby. I want the same for us, and for our family. We owe it to ourselves and to each other. I definitely look to you for motivation, even if you swear you love me exactly the way I am. I hope I can be the same for you, and am very touched that you would do this for us and for our future. I want to be perfectly healthy and fit when we plan our wedding, and have our children. Living a fit and active life will be much easier, much more fun, and most likely much longer, had we not made this decision to change our lifestyle.

Anyway, here's to you, baby. My promise to change things as well.. to be more active by hitting the gym, and taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and to changing my eating habits 100%! I love you, and I can't wait to share the excitement in this change with one another. Let's utilize these blogs as a way to keep track of one another, and push each other to the next level since we can't be there in person. Who knows? Maybe this could be a more effective method of starting a big change, because we are motivated by the miles that separate us. I sure hope so baby!

Good luck, I love you, and let the games begin!

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